Ironman Software Forums: adam
A demo template with most features of PowerShell Universal configured.
Dashboard that lists processes, services, event log, network information, temperatures, uptime, operating system information and more.
A Docker dashboard that returns information like images, containers, contexts and system information
Manage processes with a REST API.
API Endpoints to manage Windows services.
Sends a notification to a Slack channel when a job fails.
Forms authentication that uses Active Directory for authentication.
Send emails when jobs fail.
Sends a notification to a Microsoft Teams channel when a job fails.
Hyper-V REST API endpoints and pages.
Development tools for Windows users.
This is a sample dashboard that allows you to play with the various controls in PowerShell Universal Dashboard.
View databases, tables, users and data in your MS SQL server.
Utilities for PowerShell Universal dashboard.
A dashoard for viewing and edit local accounts.
Active Directory tools built with PowerShell Universal. Reset passwords, restore deleted users, manage group membership and search for objects.
This dashboard is capable of locating and running Pester containers.
A dashboard that automatically generates a landing page based on the dashboards defined in your environment.