


Ironman Software


app ActiveDirectory



Active Directory App

Active Directory tools built with PowerShell Universal. Reset passwords, restore deleted users, manage group membership and search for objects.

Active Directory tools built with PowerShell Universal. Reset passwords, restore deleted users, manage group membership and search for objects.

General Tools

  • Object Search

User Tools

  • Search Users
  • Reset Password
  • Restore Deleted Users

Group Tools

  • Search Groups
  • Manage Group Membership

Infrastructure Tools

  • Search Computers
  • View Domain Controllers


Reports are scripts that can be run to query Active Directory. All reports support exporting as CSV, Excel, PDF and JSON. Reports can be re-run from the dashboard.

Current Reports Include:

  • Inactive Users
  • Users that have never logged on
  • Users without Managers
  • Recently Changed Users
  • Recently Created Users
  • Recently Deleted Users
  • Disabled Computers
  • Inactive Computers
  • Domain Controllers

Role-Based Access

This module adds roles to the platform.

  • Administrator - Administrators have access to the entire dashboard.
  • AD Admin - UD Admin have access to the entire dashboard but no access to the admin console.
  • AD Users - Has access to user functionality.
  • AD Groups - Has access to group functionality.

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet. More info

PS > Install-PSResource Apps.PowerShell.ActiveDirectory

Install within the PowerShell Universal v5 admin console. More Info

PowerShell Universal Library

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies.

Download the raw nupkg file